The presentation of trophies brings the Copa del Rey Repsol de Barcos de Época to a close

  • 02 September, 2023

Mariska (Big Boats), Spartan (Gaff Vintage), Comet (Bermudian Vintage), Argos (Classics) and Lohengrin (Spirit of Tradition) are the winners of the 19th edition of the event // "We are grateful for the presence in our port of a legendary fleet and for the confidence that the shipowners place in the organisational capacity of our club".

The trophy ceremony this afternoon marked the end of the XIX Copa del Rey Repsol de Barcos de Epoca. The Mayor of Mahón, Héctor Pons, the President of the Consell Insular de Menorca, Adolfo Vilafranca, the Conseller del Mar del Govern Balear, Juan Manuel Lafuente, the Vice President of the Club Marítimo Mahón, Arturo Palomo, the President of the Real Federación Española de Vela, Javier Sanz, and the Repsol representative in the Balearic Islands, Fernando Pérez; participated among other authorities in the presentation to the best crews of their well-deserved prizes.

Mariska (Big Boats), Spartan (Gaff Vintage), Comet (Bermudian Vintage), Argos (Classics) and Lohengrin (Spirit of Tradition) are the winners of the 19th edition of the event, organised by the Club Marítimo de Mahón, which closes the national calendar of classic sailing regattas.

In the final speech, the Club Marítimo wished to thank "the presence in our port of a legendary fleet and the confidence that the shipowners place in the organisational capacity of our club". "The possibility that you offer us every year to install a floating museum in our port is a luxury for the Club Marítimo and for the city of Mahón. We feel honoured to welcome you and to be able to offer you our hospitality. You know that this is your home".

The organisation of the next edition of the Copa del Rey Repsol de Barcos de Epoca begins right now. The event will reach two decades of life and will be held in 2024 between 27 and 31 August.

Club Marítimo de Mahón
Consell Insular Menorca
Ajuntament de Mahón
APB Mahón
Real Federación Española de Vela
Federación Balear de Vela
Asociación Española de Barcos de Época y Clásicos (AEBEC)
Trofeo Mare Nostrum
The Mediterranean Champions Cup
Collaborating companies
La Menorquina
Aqua Group
Coca Cola
Gipsy Gin
Barba Rossa
Sal de Menorca
Gin Xoriguer
Divina Menorca
Menorca Mar & Charter
Medea Menorca